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Improving Person Centered Care in Domiciliary Care

Improving Person Centered Care in Domiciliary Care


Introduction Improving Person Centered Care in Domiciliary Care 4
Research Question 4
Research Aims and Objectives 4
Background to the Research 4
Significance of the Research and Its Application in the Modern Era 5
Methods 6
Literature Review 7
An introduction to the Person Centred Care and Domiciliary Care 7
The importance and focus of Person Centred Care 8
Reasons behind the Increase in Domiciliary Care in the Recent Times 10
The role of Person Centred Care in Domiciliary Care and Barriers to Person Centred Care 11
Strengths and Weaknesses in Existing Domiciliary Care System 12
Challenges faced by Domiciliary Care Practitioners 14
Possible Steps to Improve the Person Centred Care and Domiciliary Care in General 15
Option Appraisal for Improving Person Centred Care in Domiciliary Care 17
Option 1 – Enhancing the Person Centred Care by Overcoming Existing Weaknesses 17
Option 2 – Shared Decision Making and the Introduction of Self-Management 19
Discussion 20
Conclusion and Recommendations 20
Conclusion 20
Recommendations to the Domiciliary Care Sector 21
Recommendations to the Future Researchers 22
References 23

The first chapter of the dissertation focuses on the aspects necessary to be discussed in order to introduce the dissertation. The chapter discusses the aims and objectives of the research alongside the research question. Further, the background to the research and its significance and application in the modern era is also discussed.
Research Question
Like every research, this research also revolves around a primary research question, which is as follows:
• How the person centred planning in domiciliary care can be improved over the time?
The primary purpose or aim of this research is to answer this question in a detailed and comprehensive manner.
Research Aims and Objectives
The research aims to propose methods to improve Person Centred Planning in domiciliary care in the modern era with higher number of patients and enhanced workload in the sector. The research objectives can be listed as follows:
• To study how the person centred planning works in health sector in general and domiciliary care in particular.
• To formulate different alternatives to improve the person centred planning in the domiciliary care.
• To evaluate each of the alternatives formed and select the best alternative through option appraisal.
• To recommend the best alternative for the usage in the sector.
These are the objectives to be accomplished by the course of this research.
Background to the Research
According to Hart and Bond (1995), the health and care sector focused on traditional practices to treat the diseases only until the recent times. However, in the recent times, the health and care sector has started focusing on motivation level and psychology level of the patients and tries to improve it so that the patients can live a happier and healthier life in future. As prescribed by Nay et al. (2009), the health and care sector has changed over the years in every perspective including the perception and beliefs of patients towards the health professionals and treatment. It is stated that any restriction to the patient’s freedom and basic rights by health professionals during treatment can be frustrating. In the modern era, it is recommended to consider more lively life for the patients by allowing them to make decisions and maintain their independence at home. In the modern era, the health and social care professionals need to be able to assist the patients to fulfil their basic needs and wants throughout the day. The above mentioned activities come under the umbrella of person-centred assessment and care; the person-centred care solely focuses on the accomplishment of needs and wants of patients to help them live a happier life. As stated by Doyle and Timonen, (2007), the person centred care is a new philosophy and a new way to look at patients and treat them. The person centred care considers the patient or other individuals using the health and social care services as partners who can participate in different activities such as planning and implementation of care to make sure that the services provided meet the needs of the person availing services. It is further stated that the next of kin and other closely related people to the patient can also help the professionals understand on what can satisfy the patient most and make him happier than anything else (Doyle and Timonen, 2007).
As defined by Brooker and Latham (2015), the domiciliary care refers to the supervised home-like living arrangement where adults can spend their lives due to any physical or mental disabilities or age-related impairments. The old-age houses are very common examples of domiciliary care around the globe. The domiciliary care comes under the umbrella of social care. The significance of person centred care is very important in the case of domiciliary care due to the fact that these individuals living as a group need the special focus to remain satisfied and happier. The person-centred care can help the health and social care professionals working at domiciliary care offices not only by means of treating patients properly but at the same time motivating the old-age people on regular basis. The disabled people who are going under treatment at any domiciliary care office can also be happier and live a better life when they are motivated and psychologically happy (Innes, Macpherson and McCabe, 2006)…