Managing People & Careers

Managing People & Careers

To get how Nike and Adidas pick their graduates, we need to know about the two companies first. Nike is an American company that makes sport shoes, clothes and gear. They also provide sporting services. Nike is the biggest company in the world that makes sports shoes...
International Business With Finance

International Business With Finance

Introduction A portfolio and a hedge fund are both linked to investment money, but they have different jobs. A portfolio is a group of money things like stocks, bonds and cash owned by someone or an organization. These include other investments too. The aim of making...
Digital Banking

Digital Banking

Introduction In determining a new economic path for Scotland as an independent nation, deciding upon the appropriate monetary system will be one of its most significant policy choices. For a small open economy such as Scotland, the decision on what form of currency...
Sustainable Staffing

Sustainable Staffing

With its ambitious five-year plan to revolutionize machinery using the latest technology and target the global market, Soupcon Ltd. is at a critical juncture. However, with only 25 full-time equivalent (FTE) engineers, down from 27 two years ago, the Engineering...