Bradford College THE Business Management  Event Management

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Table of Contents

Introduction. 1

Planning and Development 2

Implementation/ Delivery. 5

Evaluation. 7

Conclusion. 9

Appendix: 1


An event by the name of Bradford College Got Talent was organized by the students of BA Business Management students.

The main purpose of organizing this event was to fulfill the requirement of our Event Management Course along with an objective of achieving diversity and engagement among all the students of Bradford College.

The main concept of the event Bradford College Got Talent was to give the students of the college to come forward and showcase their talent. They showed their talent in singing, dancing, acting and many more amazing activities. These sort of programs are seen to have got theattention of people everywhere, be it colleges, schools, media, and even in theprofessional world.

the event was targeted not only for the students, but teachers were also given a chance to participate in this event. The event was able to engage almost every student and teacher in the college, who planned, practiced and perform brilliantly in the event.

The event was successful in achieving its target of involving, engaging and motivation to showcase personal talent in front of others. The event helped a lot in building confidence, teambuilding, diversity, recognition and healthy competition among all the students of Bradford College.

The entire event went according to the way it was planned, and every individual associated with the event directly or indirectly played their part in making the event a success.

It was appreciated, liked and enjoyed by every student of the college along with the teachers and the management staff of the Bradford College. This event also encourages the college faculty and higher management to organize such events from their part every year.

Planning and Development

Planning plays a vital role in the overall success of the entire event. The event management planning provides a platform and guidelines to ensure the successful event takes place. One can do that with the help of Event Management planning documents.

This document can provide help in establishing how all the different people and elements will work together and how the output of the event be like. The main aim is to make sure that one is able to deliver a program that is not only safe but enjoyable for the participants and the people attending the event. (Breen, 20015)

According to Breen (2015), an effective event management planning can help the organizers to benefit from it in the following manner:

  1. An effective plan will help organizers secure permission for the event to proceed.
  2. It will act as a roadmap for the overall event. This will be for the benefit of all the stakeholders.
  3. It helps the organizers consider every aspect of the project from every relevant angle.
  4. It helpsto make sure that nothing gets overlooked during the event execution phase.
  5. It also helps and provides the necessary support during the event.
  6. The event management plan acts like a support tool for making decisions during the event………..continued