teacher motivation and pedagogic training This article consists of 64 pages and 15,000 words. In order to have full access to this article, email us at thedocumentco@hotmail.co.uk
Ref No: 1959
The effect of teacher motivation and pedagogic training on EFL student performance
The research aims to study the effect of teacher motivation and pedagogic training on EFL Students performance especially in the case of university-level EFL students in Japan. The research carries significance for various stakeholders in the education industry in specific and society in general. Those stakeholders include the teachers, students, parents, education institutes and anyone else involved in EFL education. The literature review highlights that the research gaps mainly include methodological gaps, and the lack of research on the research title opted for this research. The two independent variables in the research are teacher motivation, and the pedagogic training of teachers and the only dependent variable is the students’ performance in EFL classes. The research design selected for the research is exploratory, the research approach selected is deductive approach and the research philosophy selected is positivism as discussed in the chapter. The research strategy suggests that the quantitative data for the research is collected by the research survey to reach the findings of the research. The data is analysed on the basis of statistical techniques by using SPSS. As a result of the research, it is concluded that the performance of EFL students is highly dependent on multiple factors at the same time. Each of these factors can help the students improve their English language in a better manner. It is also concluded that there is a significant impact of the teacher motivation on the performance of EFL students in Japan; whereas, the impact of pedagogic training on EFL students’ performance is not significant. There are many limitations to the research including the smaller sample size of 120 selected for the research. The research also provides recommendations to teachers, institutions and future researchers.
Key Words: Pedagogy, motivation, EFL, performance.
Chapter One – Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the Chapter
The research focuses on the effect of teacher motivation and pedagogic training on the EFL students’ performance. The chapter undertakes the research on all the introductory aspects of the research. The chapter covers the background to the research to discuss the importance of the research title with respect to the findings of past researchers. Then the chapter focuses on the rationale of the research to highlight the factors that have led to conduct research on this particular research title. The research aims, objectives and research questions are also discussed in this chapter. The chapter also discusses the significance of the research and outline of the dissertation chapters. Lastly, the chapter summary is provided to summarise the first chapter of the dissertation.
1.2 Background of the Research
In accordance with Farooq et al. (2011), the students’ academic performance is affected greatly by numerous factors at a single time which can affect the students’ psyche and performance both positively and negatively. These factors vary from the parental guidance and support to the ability of the teachers and language or geographical location of the student. Further, it is stated that the diversity of the students at a school or university also affects the performance of the students as the diversity leads to cultural complexes for students especially those who are young. In support of these findings, it is stated by Van Dinther, Dochy and Segers (2011) that different family, school, and cultural characteristics affect the performance of students at different levels. It is further highlighted that an important factor affecting the performance of students is the teacher motivation and characteristics of the teacher. It is considered as an important factor because the teacher is the one who can motivate the students to overcome other students and improve their performance by teaching effectively. However, in order to improve the performance of the students, the teacher himself needs to be motivated. This is the reason why different training programs are also conducted to keep the teachers motivation especially in the developed countries (Van Dinther, Dochy and Segers, 2011; Farooq et al., 2011)…..
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