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Literature Review
City Branding and Higher Education
Discourse on branding
“A successful brand is an identifiable product, service, person, or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs most closely. Furthermore, its success results from being able to sustain these added values in the face of competition.” (DE CHERNATONY, L. and McDonald, M., 1992)
This definition very concisely and efficiently sums up the question of what is a brand. Through this explanation, we can safely assume that a place can be branded on a unique selling point that distinguishes it from its competitors, just like with any product that is classified as a brand. De Chernatory & McDonald (1992) maintain that the target of brand marketing is not only the buyer but also the consumer of the product. The definition also mentions that branding aims to give higher added to a product in a competitive market. The consumers that are operating in a certain environment perceive information selectively and retain it in a series of mental images or perceptions (GOODEY, B., 1974). The brand image of a city can also be conceived, in a same way, by the people, through experience. But this experience need not be based only on their visit of the city. Various kinds of communication techniques influence people’s perception. In return, perceptions are what influence the image of the city. In order to make sure that people have a good image of the place, the city’s institutions endeavor to influence their perceptions in a good way and give them good arguments for coming back or staying in the city. As the competition is ever increasing among the cities, the leaders of the society are constantly trying to find new solutions to improve its image.
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