The ABCDE approach is a systematic method to approach ill or injured patients in an

emergency situation. The main goal of the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability,

Exposure method is to identify life threatening conditions immediately, ensure breathing and circulation are intact, and oxygen is being adequately distributed throughout the body. It is a universally accepted way to ensure a priority-based approach to all critically ill patients in an emergency as well as routine management, the steps defined are under the principle of treating life threatening problems before moving on to the next assessment (Anon., 2015) . This approach is applicable to both adults and children and is widely accepted and used by emergency technicians and traumatologists (Thim, 2012).


On initial assessment, the patient’s airway was intact and patent. He had an adequate O2 partial pressure of 97% without any supplemental oxygen. Normal level of partial pressure of oxygen can vary from 95% to 100% (Torp, 2021). A reading of lower than SpO2 95% would be considered low for Mr Gray especially since he did not suffer from any structural or functional disease of the airway. Furthermore, Mr Gray had been informed of his procedure and its possible complications and therefore was sound of mind and conscious which is suggestive of a patent airway. Look, Listen and feel method is used in which one must look for chest and abdominal movements, listen for breathing sounds and feel for expired air (, 2021) The assessing nurse or doctor must look for any signs of respiratory distress for example sweating or central cyanosis. The depth and the regularity of the breathing (Cathala, 2020). An exam of the internal structures of his oral cavity and pharynx needs to be conducted to dismiss the possibility of any anomaly, stricture of swelling. Assessment in Post Anaesthesia Care Unit, Mr. Gray’s airway was patent and he was on 35% supplemental oxygen. His vitals were stable and no airway adjuncts further consolidate this assessment (Soltan, 2016)……