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EFFECTS OF UNILATERAL HAND CONTRACTIONS:Considering the belief of relative importance of the right hemisphere (RH) of the brain in creative thinking, we unturned the possibility of further improving the creative problem solving by artificial activation of the right hemisphere (RH) ahead of time with the help of unilateral hand contractions. Participants of the research were then asked to attempt to complete the Remote Associates Test after squeezing a ball with either their left or right hands depending upon their choice of interest. As expected by the team conducting the test, those who used their left hands achieved higher scores due to activation of the RH section as compared to those who used their right hands or those who did not contract either hand. Hence, the outcome indicates that tilting the hemisphere balance towards the processing mode of one hemisphere of the brain by motor activation can influence the outcome of the processing of thoughts. This technique has the potential to act as a treatment or therapy or remedial manipulation regardless of the specific mechanism. It could end up being helpful in aiding individuals with language impairments or several other disorders which do not have proper treatment to date and are believed to be related to hemispheric imbalances.

Creative thinking forms associative links in between concepts which would otherwise be unrelated to one another in order to find solutions to problems. It is thought that in order to get to solutions for the problems quicker, divergent thinking which involves simultaneous consideration of various ideas, plays a vital role since it enables one to link different chains and concepts to derive a solution. We can examine the neural circuits involved in order investigate the cognitive processes underlying the complex phenomenon of creative thinking. It is widely believed that the right hemisphere facilitates creative thinking. This has also been supported in a recent meta-analytical review. For example, the right hemisphere was observed to being put to use while reasoning about incompletely specified situations and in the maintenance of ambivalent mental representations as well as in set-shift problems. Similarly, psycholinguistic studies have shown that the right hemisphere causes diffuse activation of a wider semantic field that induces distant, unusual and seemingly unrelated characteristics, as compared to the more constrained activation caused by the left hemisphere. For example, studies have documented the importance of the right hemisphere in the divergent semantic processing in the generation of unusual verbs for presented nouns and in the comprehending novel metaphors.
It is obvious that the approach mentioned above does not equal the creativity that resides in the RH. Creative thinking involves a wide number of brain regions in both hemispheres working in a complex manner just like any other high-level cognitive task. None the less, the data of findings made via different researches conducted associating with RH activity with the creative thinking indicate that the mode of operation of the RH is especially beneficial during such tasks. Hence, the conditions that enhance RH activity sector might lead to better performance…………………..