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Ref No: 3731

Employee Engagement

The employees are the soul of the company. The focus of human resource management is to indulge the employee’s interest towards achieving the goals of the company rather to focus over the price and quality of the certain product. To move the employees towards the direction of company’s vision, there should be the employee’s engagement with the betterment of the company. The new practices of the organization make the employees engagement as the important part of the overall strategies of the company planning (Alfes, et al., 2012).

Employee engagement provide benefits for both parties; employees and company. The satisfied and committed employees always seems to produce good result as compared to employees who has less engagement with the company. The goal is to make the employees committed and involved with in the process of the company, because this sort of actions helps the organization to improve its performance in terms of profit and service quality as well (Bakker & Demerouti, 2008) .

Literature Review
Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a positive attribute of an employee towards performing a job which enables them to provide their contribution in line with organization’s mission and vision (Bakker, et al., 2011) .

Those employees who are totally engaged with their job shows three sides:

  • The employee has mental resilience and has high potential and stamina to perform the task.
  • The employee feels dedicated and pride in their job which makes them highly involved in the job activities.
  • The employee is getting highly involved and focused on the task.

Clarke (2010) described that success factor for any organization is to implement on the idea of how to perform well and utilize the capabilities and potential of employees in the assigned task. The better performance lead towards the growth for employees, organizational and the country at large. Dromey (2014) described that the employee engagement is the part of workplace policy and it must be designed in a such a way that employees get involved with the company’s mission and goals, the employees must be much motivated and contribute their efforts towards the success of the organization and moreover, are much interested in working towards their own wellbeing by enhancing their knowledge and skills in the job.

In the report of Factsheet on Employee Engagement, conducted by CIPD in 2014, three key features are identified which organization needs to focus on designing their workplace policies and practices (CIPD, 2014a)  . These are:

  • Intellectual engagement: The important characteristics of a job are identified and establish the most effective manner of conducting a job.
  • Affective engagement: The positive feeling of employees to conduct the job and try to provide their best performance in the task assigned to them.
  • Social engagement: The platform of communication and opportunities provided to the employees to discuss the work-related issues and achievement with other fellow workers.

The report further focused on the role of the organization is much critical in employee engagement they must focus on the implementation of effective communication in the workplace which is used to inform and reinforced the employees regarding the purpose of the company. The organization should also develop the feedback mechanism for the employees which allow them to raise their voice regarding any wrongdoing in the workplace. The managers and the team leader should play the role of mentor for their team and demonstrate their commitment and values towards the job. The decision should be made with fair and justice regarding any problem or situation occurred in the work practice (CIPD, 2014a).

The relationship between levels of engagement and organizational performance

Burnes (2014), in his research work analysed that the organization never fully understand how to manage employee’s engagement in the workplace. In some places, the employee engagement is taken as another approach toward the aspect of job enlargement and work intensification. Whereas, in another place, management is failed to understand regarding the implementation of management competencies to motivate the employees towards the work practice. (Burnes, 2014)

Similarly, Guest (2014) mentioned in his research work that most of the companies mold the concept of employee engagement. They force their employees to work for longer times and with unpaid overtime scenario. This situation will never create employee engagement with the job, but the employees seem to get involved in the mental distress and result in high turnover ratio. Some organization thinks that employee engagement means to listen to the employees by just creating the communication platform for them. But never implement anything to solve the problems which are raised by the employee. In this scenario, after some time, employees feel that there is no respect for their words as nothing seem to be corrected over the highlighted issues and the result in dissatisfaction among employees (Guest, 2014).

The concept of employee engagement is not only to create feedback mechanism or overload the workforce with more works, but it is about creating an environment where trust. A sense of purpose and involvement has been created and identified the factor where employee’s contribution is taken and align it with the business practices to achieve the success and in the end profit by the organization. And always give recognition to the team for any success the organization achieved.


The study of literature and the research work develop the understanding of seriousness of employee engagement. The organization is comprised of employees and each employee is different from each other. Every employee has different satisfaction level and different source of motivation tool. Some employees get motivated form just the monetary benefit whereas other want recognition and actualization as well along with the incentives. It is difficult for human resource management to align their workforce into one stage.

The human resource role is to divide the employees into the level of engagement and commitment towards work. Employees are divided into two parts engaged……