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Ref No: 2254

Ethical Scenarios

Ethical Scenarios

Ethical Questions

Answer 1

Ethical Scenarios: The role of ethics is important in the field of psychology as there are various ethical concerns that might be related to different situations in which a psychologist may carry out his activities (EFPA, 2016).

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Answer 2

According to Resnik (2011) ethics is important while studying the psychology of the individuals as it enables the researchers and the analysts to identify norms of conduct of the individuals.

Answer 3

In the view of Buchanan (2012) ethics in a particular stage of research is important while addressing important issues in a particular research

Scenario 1

The possible ethical concern, in this case, is the fact that the information about the drug usage habit of the respondents would be leaked. One of the steps that Dominic can take in this respect is to avoid forcing the participants to display their personal information on the questionnaire

Scenario 3

The scenario of this case has highlighted that Laura due to her busy schedule was unable to manager both her work and studies Therefore, in order to complete her data collection for thesis, Laura will have to obtain prior permission from the families from which she wished to collect the necessary information.

Scenario 4

As the case has illustrated that Donna had misrepresented the findings and has changed the outcomes; therefore, it is believed that Donna should avoid doing that and present the overall findings in an authentic manner to avoid any chances of her research being considered as in valid.

Scenario 5

Monica is advised in this case to adopt such kind of data collection method which would not involve tricking and deceiving the participants and respondents of the study.

Scenario 6

It has been suggested to Marco that he needs to obtain data from that set of elderly individuals that are aware about the surrounding circumstances.

Scenario 7

The situation in this respect highlights that Calum is quite interested in working on issues related to abuse of drugs and addiction. Therefore, it has been suggested that she should identify relevant and authentic population for her research.

Scenario 8

It can be stated that Claire has fulfilled her ethical responsibilities by deleting videos and John should not ask for anything more than that from him.



Part 2: Article Review

The article that has been chosen for the purpose of analysis is related to ethical standards in sports and exercise research. The article has been written by Harriss and Atkinson (2011). The article highlights the fact that for a research which is related to human participants, it needs to be undertaken in accordance with the ethical rules and the standards and with relation to the International laws. Moreover, the author also highlights the fact that the standards and the laws have been followed by appropriate