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Ref No: 4385
Chapter 4: Analysis and Results
Nowadays the children grow up in a technology centered era where they have unlimited access to not only games, music and movies but they are connected to numerous people in the entire world via internet.
The internet has opened numerous prospects that were no less than a dream just a generation ago. Internet is among the greatest inventions of all time and is definitely portrayed as a positive but everything has its pros and cons.
There are increasing threats associated with the use of the internet for the youth. Although majority of the kids and youngsters browse the internet safely, still there are some kids who fall prey to online exploitation and even violence.
Despite the fact that there is a major concern across the different nations for the intervention of these internet related sexual offenses and training of the youngsters but still there are currently only a few analyses that have explored how these interactions happen and under what circumstances these links are maintained in the face of extremely bisexual content.
This study aims to critically analyse the internet related sexual offense against children and how these can be intervened so that internet can be made a safe platform for kids and youngsters.
This can be accomplished by analyzing the experiences of different internet related abuses to extract awareness from their mistakes. It also focuses on the influences that make youngsters vulnerable to these internet related abuses as well as those who provide shield.
The analysis is a organized review of studies, which focus on the internet related sexual offences which include the online and offline exploitation of the youngsters. How the online contract initiated between the abuser and the victim and what factors withstand the contact.
This research will also cover the issues associated with the youngsters that made them vulnerable to the risk of internet related sexual abuse and try to search for the answers to the following questions:
- What patterns are observed while reviewing the internet related sexual offences on European level?
- What is the impact of different data collection techniques on the quality of the obtained data? (These collection methods include the telephonic interviews, online surveys, paper based surveys in school or community etc.)
- What is the policy of disclosure and the relation to the official statics as this issue is very complex and sensitive and requires extra attention.
- What sort of behaviours increase the risk of internet related sexual offences in youngsters?
- Is there any informational data about the perception of the youngsters on how they interpret abusive practices?
- What are the factors that lead from online contact to internet-related sexual offences?
- What is the flexibility in the behavior of youngsters in their internet interactions?
- Is there any literature present that pin points the need of the emerging research?
- What are the individual risk factors that lead to internet related sexual offences?
- How the researches have ignored the complex ethical issues of the involvement of the kids and youngsters?
Nowadays the access to the internet is easier than ever globally, specially in the high-tech countries. Sweden is one such example of a high-tech country where majority of the kids have access to their own personal computers and internet from a very early age.
Swedish Media Council (2010) conducted a study which discovered that more than sixty one percent of the children who are between the age group of twelve to fifteen years have a personal computer in the comfort of their own room with the facility of internet.
In a survey conducted over a large scale on EU Kids Online, around twenty five thousand kids which belonged to the age group of nine to sixteen were questioned about their weekly usage of internet. It was discovered that ninety three percent of those kids weekly use the internet whereas more than sixty percent of the kids used internet everyday or every other day (Livingstone, 2011).
Nowadays the kids and youngsters actively use the internet for numerous purposes. Many of them use it for gathering information or online shopping but majority of them use it for social media; to interact with others especially their friends and colleagues.
The massive majority of these kids and youngsters are very well aware that there are two sides to using the internet, the safe side and the risky side which can cause harm.
Wolak (2007) explored the internet related sexual offences against teenagers and established that the majority of the teenagers today have a proper sophisticated understanding of the social complications of the internet.
Majority of these teenagers engage in highly interactive use of the internet which poses greater risks. Such behavior is very normal and expected at this development age. This age demands such behaviors as teenagers have a keen interest in increasing their social networks, developing close relations, and gaining awareness about sex.
This is a very critical age as agitation and dangerous sexual behavior are pretty eminent for some teenagers. This development stage of the teenagers makes them prone to vulnerability and seduction. This is very risky as these factors make them more prospective to reply to any sort of sexual advancements from grownups over the internet.
Numerous kids and teenagers meet their online friends in real life (Svedin andPriebe, 2009). It is very difficult to analyse or explain that what factors influence the online sexual links or the online sexual exploitation into meetings offline and even offline sexual abuse. Some of those factors are highlighted below.
The critical analysis of the people who have engaged in sexual offence proved that the total of youngsters’ usage of the net is integrally related to their psychology.
Bélanger (2011) conducted a research on seven thousand school children which were between the ages of sixteen to twenty and established that there were symptoms of depression among the regular internet users.
It was also discovered that the regular use of the internet caused bodily health issues which were caused due to lack of sleep. The use of internet bridges a way for a possible risk of online abuse. The internet can be used in abusive ways which usually starts with a two-wy communication that is initiated in innocence and then leads to curiosity and often ends up at abuse.
The victims are usually curious where as the abusers exploit their curiosity and innocence often in the form of sexual abuse. This leads to deliberate exposure which includes exchange contact numbers or sharing video or audio via webcam or even exchanging sexual pictures.
The reasons that lead to internet related sexual offenses are very complex and tangled. The study reveals that depressed teenage girls who already have a history of sexual abuse area higher risk of internet related sexual abuse.
Similarly the girls who have pitiable relations with their parents which means parents do not monitor their internet activities, are at a higher risk of internet related sexual abuse. The study reveals that the most crucial factor in determination of the victims id the daring nature of young people. It is pretty obvious that the youngsters specially teenagers are more likely to have online sexual activities as they don’t mind flirting or carrying intimate and sexual conversations with complete strangers.
These factors make them more likely to fall victims on internet related sexual abuse, harassment or or training. It is evident from the study that the internet related sexual offences against children and the risk factors involved in it are less explored by the Europe than USA.
There are only a few European surveys that actually pay heed to the individualizes of the kids and teenagers which include their everyday experiences of difficulty, emotional trouble, depression, and offline problematic conduct.
There is very limited information available that shows the relationship between internet related sexual abuse and the quality of family relations. The studies neglect the impact of the peers on kids and teenagers who fall victims for internet related sexual abuse. The child’s core values attitude also play a deep impact on the internet related sexual abuse but it is often neglected in the studies.
The current investigation exposed that there are no main differences between the aspects that enable the internet related sexual abuse and the offline abuse.
This lack of prominent differences between the two types of abuses may be a consequence of the little information and studies available which highlight the risk factors of these sorts of abuse. There is a distinct need for research which examines the risks of becoming a victim of abuse according to different patterns of risk.
Research evidence about the behavioral patterns of the children which leads to becoming a victim of sexual abuse
Pornographic material
Every coin has two sides is very well suited for the wide-open availability of the pornographic material over the Internet and its usage. There are some children who feel violated by the undesirable sexual explicit that the coin has two sides……….
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