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Leadership Mindsets in my organization

The style and ways of leading of every leader are different than that of the others. Same mindsets of leaders are observed in the agencies where we are working. The most common mindsets of leadership are being discussed as under. (Lee, 2013)

  1. 1. Action-Oriented: One of the mentality that is common among the leaders of all the departments is the action-oriented approach towards every task and activity. Their action-oriented thinking is not just limited to the planning and preparing but to every job that they perform. These leaders have a strong background and experience that makes their back strong.
  2. Big Picture Minded: Another mindset of leaders commonly observed in the organization is that they look and think big, that is from every angle. They can analyze the big picture by having only the bird’s eye view.
  3. Prompt Decision Making: The successful leaders are quick decision makers; they make decisions and then stand by them. They keep themselves accountable for what they have decided. These leaders have a mindset to think for the long term and consider the implications of their decisions in the long run.
  4. Clarity. According to the author, Lee (2013) the leadership is not just about the confidence of doing the task well but also the conviction along with the clarity of the role of leader in the organization.
  5. Engage: A good leader has a mindset of getting engaged with everyone they meet. Their personality is influential that is why they inspire and learn from every person they meet.
  6. Focus: The leadership has a mindset that is focused. All they think about is the achievement of their objectives, and they keep themselves focused on that without distracting their mind from it. The reason for their success is their focused approach towards work.
  7. Growth: The most successful leaders are the ones who have their mindset towards growth, not only of theirs’ but the growth of their subordinates and the entire organization. They are the ones who have their mindset towards setting challenges for themselves and for the assistants with interest in growing.
Leadership Traits

By the leadership mindsets, identified in the section of the article above, some leadership traits result from these mindsets. The leadership traits that are there in the leaders are as under: (Economy, 2014)

  1. Awareness: Being Action-oriented, the leaders are aware of the nature of the differences that are there in the mindsets of other subordinates.
  2. Empathy: The effective leaders are the one who realizes the self-respect importance of the employees. They know that they need to praise the employee in public and address their problems and issues in private. Their mindset allows them not to make things personal and deal with the issues practically by encountering the problems and looking for constructive solutions that are focused towards the goals of the organization.
  3. Decisiveness: the decision-making mindset of the leader allow them to make decisions that at times are tough, but that goes with their job. Their strong decision-making abilities help them make decisions even in the toughest of situation. And once they have made their decision, they stick by them. An example of such leadership trait and mindset is observed in the style of my organization’s CEO and marketing manager.
  4. Accountability: not only their own but the leaders also take responsibility for the actions of their subordinates too. They are the ones who look after the issues that are outstanding in the organization and then keep a check on the employees and then monitor the effectiveness of their company’s overall performance. Almost all the managers and leaders in the group have this trait and mindset. Be it the Marketing head, HR head, the Finance head or the IT head; they have a mentality that is accountable for not only their deeds but the deeds of the subordinates also.
  5. Confidence: One of the traits that are common among all the departmental heads and leaders is that they are confident and have confidence in themselves and their decisions. The subordinates and employees are naturally drawn towards them, and they seek their advice and their opinion while formulating strategies and deciding their course of action.
  6. Optimism: The leaders are the constant source of positive energy in the organization. Their ability to communicate with the subordinates in the most efficient way, help the team in achieving their goals and targets efficiently. They are the ones who have the solutions to almost every problem and issue in the office.
  7. Focus: as discussed earlier, the leaders having focused mindset will portray a more targeted approach towards the achievement of the organization’s goals. They can think from some perspective and then decide on plans and strategies. Every policy they make is targeted towards the success of the company’s objective and goal. This trait is also common among the managers and leaders of all the departments in the organization.
  8. Inspiration: these leaders are an inspiration to all the employees in the group who look up to and follow the footprints of their leaders. They are the ones who know the art of effectively communicating and motivating every employee in the organization. The organization’s CEO and the Managing directors are a real inspiration for almost every employee in my respective organization.
Reflection on Personal Leadership

Leadership is one of the critical elements that result in the success of the organization. The effective leadership plays a vital role in the development of the employees and the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives.

Being a part of one of the organizations that have the best people working in the leadership role, it is easy for me to reflect on my leadership traits and style based on the current practices of my leaders. The analysis of my leadership is as follow:


On the way to be a successful leader, it is essential for me to realize my strengths and also my weaknesses that might hinder in my future success in the organization. The powers that I possess are as follow:

  1. Problem Solver: I have been working with the team for some time, and during this tenure, there have been some situations where problems existed. , y greatest strength is my ability to solve problems most efficiently and effectively. My management also acknowledges this trait of mine. It does not only help in overcoming the problem but also saves time and energy.
  2. Self Motivation: Another feature that sets me apart from others in the organization is that I am a self-motivator. I set targets for myself and work towards achieving those goals in the best possible way. It kept me motivated and focused on the daily office routine. My aim is always to not only motivate myself but also to motivate those with whom I work.

3. Focus and task-oriented: My approach towards every job given to me in the organization is base focused and task oriented. I keep my attention on the………