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Ref No: 3801

All these factors contribute towards an increase in the efficiency of the overall operations management process of an organization. Therefore, the four V’s of operations management have been applied to the operational performance of Nordic Bakery in the UK to evaluate the effectiveness of its overall performance and the extent to which it has been able to achieve its objectives.


As far as volume is concerned, the analysis of Nordic Bakery illustrates that it has a large volume due to the increasing nature of scope of its operations and a large amount of profitability. The large volume produced by the organization illustrates the efficiency and the effectiveness of the organization to constantly maintain the level of its operations.


In terms of variety, Nordic Bakery indeed offers a large amount of variety to its customers. Some of the products that it has to offer to its customers are sandwiches, hot and cold drinks, breakfast and salad shows along with small treat shows, in-house bakery and whole cake order shows. The large variety that the organization has to offer is important to provide valuable experience to the customers (Nordic Bakery, 2017). In the view of Jacobs and Chase (2013), firms that are able to offer a large degree of variety to its customers are in a position to enhance their overall volume of sales…….