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Ref No: 1189
Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Project Team, Management of a Project Team and the Role of Leadership. 3

Literature Review.. 5

Some Theories Related to Interpersonal Relations and its role in Project Management 5

Reasons behind Failure of IT Projects. 6

Reasons behind Interpersonal Conflicts in a Project Team.. 7

How Interpersonal Conflicts threat the IT Project Management 8

Case Analysis. 8

Tesco PLC – Successful Implementation of ERP System.. 8

Case # 2: Failure of ERP implementation in Jordan. 10

Conclusion. 11

References. 13


The essay focuses on the role of interpersonal relations in the success or failure of a project. According to Burke (2013), there are several cases where the interpersonal conflicts among the project team members lead to the failure of a project.

In the opposite case, positive interpersonal relations among the team members add synergy and efficiency to the project team. The assignment studies the past literature in detail to analyse how interpersonal relations and interpersonal conflicts can affect the project management of any particular project.

This essay focuses on the analysis of an IT project and examines how interpersonal relations affected the implementation of that selected project. Two different projects have been selected to highlight the role of Interpersonal relations in the project management of an IT project.Project Management for Information Technology

First project selected for this case study was successful i.e. the implementation of information systems based on SAP in the Tesco. Second project selected for this case study was a failure; the second project is the failure of same ERP system in Jordan.

Both cases will be analysed in detail to develop a detailed understanding on why one project failed and other succeeded at the same time (Kerzner, 2013).

Project Team, Management of a Project Team and the Role of Leadership

In accordance with Burke (2013), there are few differences that separate groups from teams. One of the main differences is the nature of communication and interpersonal relationship among the participants of a group or team.

There is a higher synergy and communication in the team whereas the communication is either one way or lower when it comes to groups. The project team also aims to have more communication to avoid interpersonal conflicts with the leader or between the members.

The participants of a project team are divided into team leader namely Project Manager and team members. Both types of participants play an equal role in the success of a project and the maintenance of positive relationship between these participants is very important (Kerzner, 2013).

The effective management of a project is very important; the morale of project team members changes at various stages of project as shown in the graph below:

Figure 1 – Project Adrenaline Model

The figure above is known as the Project Adrenaline graph and it shows that the morale level of project team is generally high at the initial stage of project life cycle. It is mainly due to the optimism level and expectations from the project.

However, as the time passes, the morale goes down due to numerous difficulties and problems faced during the time passed. At this stage, the role of project team leader or project manager is very crucial (Kerzner, 2013).

The morale of the team goes back up with respect to time only if the project manager carries leadership skills and can motivate the team members in this crucial time.

A leader has the ability to motivate his subordinates; in this case, a leader can motivate team members by focusing on the results if the project becomes successful (Turner, 2014). According to Cleland and Ireland (1999), the team members in a technical project..