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Ref No: 3722

The discussion in the assessment is based on the ways in which the chosen organization configures its value chain activities in order to enhance the level of its operations. The discussion has been made in the light of the components of the Star Analysis and the improvements that have been made in the strategy of the organization in accordance with the Star Analysis. The organization that has been chosen for the purpose of the analysis is Nestle. The analysis has been conducted in the light of the primary and secondary value chain activities of Nestle.

Configuration or Re-configuration of the Value Chain

According to Closs, Speier and Meacham (2011) value chain activities refer to those organizational activities that enable it to create and deliver products and services to its customers. Similarly, Nestle has been involved in using its value chain activities in order to offer effective products to its customers. The configuration of the value chain activities of the organization has been important for Nestle in its attempt to gain significant competitive advantage. The analysis of the configuration that Nestle has made within its value chain activities over a period of time has been made in the light of four aspects of star framework such as home country, supplier country, customer country along with partner country. The discussion would analyze the ways in which re-configuration of value chain activities of Nestle has been able to fulfill its strategic objectives in the home country and in different countries where Nestle has been performing its operations.

Development of Facilities

Re-Development of Nestle is the largest organization around the globe in terms of providing nutrition, healthy and tasty products to its customers. Headquarter of the organization is located in Switzerland. In terms of the improving the capability of value in the home country, Nestle made a capital investment of 3.4 billion between 2004 and 2013 in order to upgrade the level of its production and distribution services. Recently, Nestle spent 300 million for the development of a new Nespresso factory in Romont. The development of the factory was not only intended to improve the services of Nestle, but it was also directed towards creating job opportunities for the local individuals of Switzerland (Nestle, 2013).

The configuration in the value chain activities of Nestle is also linked with the development of its capabilities to deal with the suppliers. For this purpose, Nestle has come up with different supplier development programs to make sure that it avoids any disruptions in the flow of its activities. The re-configuration of the supplier development capability of Nestle has been important in order to avoid disruptions in the flow of goods and services from the point of production to the point of consumption.

Logistics and Distribution

One of the key value chain activities of Nestle is its logistics and distribution services. In the view of Gligor and Holcomb (2012) logistics and distribution services of the organization are the types of services which are used for moving the goods from the point of production to the point of production. Therefore, in order to improve the ability of its overall transportation and logistics services, Nestle transports more than 145000 tones from its 1600 warehouses on a daily basis around the globe. The amount is equal to 274 times across the globe every day (Nestle, 2017)..

The other way in which Nestle has modified its distribution and logistics activities around the globe is through entering into a long-term partnership with third-party logistics providers through which it is able to improve its environmental performance and reduce the environmental effects of its performance. Some of the aspects on which Nestle is modifying its supply chain are related to optimizing its supply chain along with exploring new and innovative transportation methods and improving the capability of their drivers around the globe (Nestle, 2017).

One of the examples of Nestle modifying its global logistics and distribution services is by engaging in the distribution and packaging of Halal food items. By engaging itself into the market of Halal foods and product, Nestle has been able to effectively deal with the needs and demands of its customers that live in Muslim countries (Nestle, 2017).

Marketing and Sales

In the view of Linoff and Berry (2011),  activities related to marketing and sales is important in order to grab the attention of the target market and increase sales.

With respect to Switzerland, the marketing and sales activities of the organization are linked to increases the productivity of the organization due to spending a substantial amount on services. In addition to that, Nestle while conducting its operations in Switzerland has also spent a considerable amount on the packaging of its products (Nestle, 2017).

In terms of performing its marketing and sales services, Nestle has increased the use of social media websites to promote its products and services in different parts of the world. As a result of an increase in its efficiency with respect to marketing and sales, Nestle has been able to reach out towards its customers in different countries effectively. One of the examples of the effective use of social media marketing by Nestle in different countries is the development of its service in Malaysia. For this purpose, Nestle in Malaysia has used digital agencies for the promotion of its two brands (Marketing-Interactive, 2017). Besides, Nestle has also used its different brands such as Kit Kat, Nescafe, Maggi and Purina to improve the efficiency of its marketing practices in the home as well as in other countries where its suppliers exist (Business Wire, 2017).
