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Ref No: 36991
One aspect that influences how often people use healthcare services is how long patients must wait to be seen. The level of patient satisfaction can be used to determine how well a healthcare institution is performing because it has become an increasingly significant factor in determining the quality of medical care. There is a need for medical facilities and service providers to implement policies that would shorten wait times and guarantee patient satisfaction. Patients are attended in various outpatient units within the hospital system, but almost invariably, a high percentage of these patients arrive and leave the hospital at various times (Oche and Adamu 2013). The amount of time a patient waits to be seen, is one factor which affects the utilization of health care services and patients perceive long waiting times as barriers to actually obtaining services. A study of this kind is essential to the public’s understanding of the standard of the healthcare operating environment, hence this one was designed to gauge patient wait times and the variables influencing them in the outpatient departments. Hospital administrators might utilize the study’s data to fill up any gaps in internal processes, infrastructure, logistics, and other areas that could affect the efficiency of the delivery of healthcare (Sun et al., 2017)…..
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