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New media technologies have changed and revolutionized the television watching experience with an ever-growing range of platforms, devices, and services to select from. With TV easier and more accessible than ever, consumers consume even more material, guaranteeing that television continues to dominate the cultural landscape. It is thus essential to understand how television watching affects viewers in the present media landscape. Cultivation theory has shown over 50 years to be a lasting and creative method to study to understand how exposure to the world of television affects perceptions of social reality. Too far, however, no cultivation research discussed how various TV technologies and watching patterns interfere with the cultivation process. By studying an unknown area of cultivation research, our work addresses this gap. There is a questionnaire that measures TV exposure in the contemporary media environment, concentrating on the usage of new and conventional watching platforms, devices, and services. These traditional and new forms of exposure were presented along with overall views, demographic controls, and traditional cultivation outcomes measurements, including estimates of violence, crime and the division of labour law enforcement, and second-order measures, including average world views and politically modest ideology. Five hundred and nine individuals answered the survey questionnaire using a cross-sectional research methodology. Regression analyses were carried out in order to examine the effect of new and traditional forms of exposure on the cultivation process, with the total exposure serving as the autonomous variable and each new and traditional type of exposure acting as a moderating variable. Each regression analysis tests the interaction between the total exposure and each moderating variable to see whether the interaction significantly predicts the result of the cultivation. Further analyses were performed to explicitly investigate how culture results….