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Security and Justice for Women , To outrage, the modesty of women is a great evil in the society. This has been started from the very beginning of the world. The reason for inviting the violence against women is lack of resistance and non-control upon it. Throughout the world, women are facing violence indiscriminately. Though it is a right of every human being to live their lives without any fear or and without any violence thousands of Females of all age are subjected to violence in the state of peace or war.

According to the 2013 Un report on violence against women, 35 percent of women ( of all age ) experiences sexual violence  either by close relatives  or by some stranger  .The reports also says that more than 70 percent of these women were harassed by close relatives in their life (Article: Krug, E. et al,2004)“

Another study suggests that close related are the words “family” and “violence” and now many female victims of sexual violence have become victims of their own emotional realities (Artcle :Hurleyet al, 2007). The hurdles faced by females when they try to make an attempt to rescue themselves from such situation and the most important hurdle is financial feasibility. (Article: Winstok, 2011).

There are many types of sexual violence situations but in most of the cases the female sufferers of such violence go through psychological problems during proceedings of the court. Here some theories related to pessimistic social and economic impacts of sexual violence (Supported article :Lehrner, & Allen, 2009; Bouffard; Wright; Muftić & Bouffard, 2008; Murrell, Christoff & Henning, 2007).

Most of these theories have good justifications and good built overtime. To find out the problem and into the solution empowerment theory must be mentioned (Supported Article: Itzhaky, & Porat, 2005).

According to the proposed theory the victimization of a female is not something that take places to a woman due to her personal characteristics, origin of the  family or any other division from outside , Rather sexual violation can happen to anyone unlucky because of the sexual needs of opposite sex and the law enforcement situations of the developing countries.

Providing protect to its citizens from criminal victimization is the primes and top most priority of the civilized society. During the past 20 years awareness has been raised regarding sexual violence, its prevalence and its linkage with other social evils. Though a number of civil and criminal enactments are in field, as justice tools to minimize or stop such abuse and to hold the offenders accountable for their behavior but no tool could be proven effective in all situations and the social workers need to understand the use of tool that works best in the specific situation (Article: Sartin, Hansen & Huss, 2006) In some developing parts of the world the people consider the sexual violence cases as a matter of family prestige and therefore must not be discussed publically.

Security and Justice for Women

The law enforcing agencies like police are tied to the notion that these matters must be solved and decision must be made by the male members of victim family instead of victim herself. The victim is pressurized not to raise voice against sexual violence because of social norms and social image of family.

Due to limited sources and short vision of incomplete goals confined within a society which teaches and allows the force by men against the women.  The female gender approach regarding domestic violence is that almost all the man-on-woman abuse or use of criminal force is based upon the particular value of our society. And those values have been authorized by a culture where male domination over a woman is both covertly and overtly reinforced through the period of time (Carlson, 2005).

Domestic violence abuse and sexual violence are nothing but an instrument given to male’s by the society and often used to control women.  Many men in the society have perception if the female behaviour and freedom are against the will of man than it is man’s right to reinforce his power through violence

Some studies suggest a recent shift towards egalitarianism between the genders. Many males like to continue to hold onto traditional attitude which has ruled some areas for decades. In many developing areas of the world the power to make the decision is retained by men. (Article: Taubman, 1986).


The United Nation elucidates violence against women as any kind of aggression used by male members of the society which results in any kind of physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, whether occurring in public or private life. (Supported article: UNSC, Distr. General, 13 March 2014)..