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Ref No: 888

Table of Contents

Stats Coursework. 1

Solution to Question # 1. 4

Results. 4

Interpretation. 5

Solution to Question # 2. 5

  1. a) Results. 5
  2. a) Interpretation. 6
  3. b) Results. 6
  4. b) Interpretation. 6

Solution to Question # 3. 7

  1. a) Results. 7
  2. a) Interpretation. 8
  3. b) Results. 8
  4. b) Interpretation. 9

Solution to Question # 4. 9

  1. a) Results. 9
  2. a) Interpretation. 10
  3. b) Results. 11
  4. b) Interpretation. 11

Solution to Question # 5. 11

  1. a) Results. 11
  2. a) Interpretation. 13
  3. b) Results. 13
  4. b) Interpretation. 13

Solution to Question # 6. 13

  1. a) Results. 13
  2. a) Interpretation. 15
  3. b) Display the Relationship between Variables in Three Different Graphs. 16
  4. c) Results. 17
  5. c) Interpretation. 17
  6. d) Results. 17
  7. d) Interpretation. 18





Solution to Question # 1


Descriptive Statistics
NMeanStd. Deviation
Valid N (listwise)98


Reliability Statistics – Satisfaction
Cronbach’s AlphaN of Items


Reliability Statistics – Commitment
Cronbach’s AlphaN of Items



Statistics:It can be seen in the descriptive statistics that on the scale of 6, the mean for all variables related to employee satisfaction is higher than 4 and it is higher than 3 for all variables related to organizational commitment. This shows that the average rating of both satisfaction and organizational commitment was higher. The reliability statistics have been used to measure whether the data collected is reliable and valid or not. The Cronbach’s Alpha for this data is 0.965 for satisfaction and 0.953 for commitment which is very high so it shows that the data is statistically significantly reliable. The higher value for Cronbach’s Alpha also indicates that all the scales in this data are statistically reliable.

Solution to Question # 2….