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Boycotting of israeli impact British supermarkets



Research Background

Aim and Objective

Theoretical Framework

Ethical Limitations

Literature Review.

Research Methodology

Findings and Analysis





Boycotting of israeli impact British supermarkets, Since the Second World War, Middle East has been a place constantly plagued by unnecessary wars. Every country which is a part of modern day middle east, has been a part of war at some point in the history. However, one of the worst crisis in this region is the unjust stand-off between the military might, Israel and a matchless, Palestine. While some might suggest that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands is unfair and unjust, it is a sad fact for the humanity at large that there is a massive killing which this conflict has seen and it is about time that the international organizations find a solution to this prevalent crisis which has engulfed numerous innocent lives.

Although, the Palestinian masses and leadership has been engaged in an armed struggle against Israel, Boycotting of israeli impact British supermarkets it is not possible to force Israel out of the occupied territories with an armed struggle even if the whole of Arab combines. Fortunately for the Palestinians, some intellectuals among their ranks have realized that their only chance to finding a solution the crisis is to involve the international community and the world population at large. And this is where the inception of the BDS Movement can be traced back to.

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions or BDS for short, is a campaign which was started by the non-governmental organizations in Palestine in July 2005. The aim of the organization was to sanction their demand via the forum of United Nations and get international trade sanctions for Israeli products until they comply with the international law. The demand of BDS is quite legitimate and thought provoking. However,  Boycotting of israeli impact British supermarkets it seems a little harsh and unrealistic, keeping the global influence of Israel and the business perspective in mind. The fundamental purpose of this report is to analyze the effectiveness of BDS movement and the extent to which it has been successful in gathering the public support.

This support can be measured based on the pressure that some of the organizations have faced and are forced to limit their operational or retail trading relations with Israel. The overall impact in the whole world shall be discussed before narrowing it down to the UK markets especially the recent losses faced by supermarket giant, Tesco. The reasons for these losses shall investigated in relationship with the BDS movement.

Research Background:

The BDS is apparently a very peaceful and non-violent campaign which is meant to win the fundamental rights of Palestinians and force Israel to follow the international laws. The following are the major demands of the BDS campaign:

  1. The BDS calls for the state of Israel to end the unjust occupation and colonization of the Arab lands which were occupied in June 1967. The demand further iterates to the dismantling of the wall which is a negation of the international laws and a breach of the fourth Geneva Convention.
  2. The second goal of BDS campaign is to force the state of Israel to recognize the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel and grant them their fundamental rights to full equality. Currently, the Palestinians living in state of Israel are treated as second class citizens. According to Noam Chomsky, the state of Israel doesn’t want the Arab-Palestinian citizens in the occupied territory. They want them gone, out of that particular area. This also makes the condition of Palestinians worse than the black population during the apartheid who according the said scholar, were better off in the refugee camps.
  3. The final aim of the BDS movement is to make the Israeli administration and government to respect, protect and promote the right of Palestinian refugees. It essentially calls for their return to their homes and properties which was also sanctioned by the UN Resolution 194 (Barghouti, O. 2010, Al Shabaka, p. 2).

It is evident from the aforementioned points that none of these demands are unfair. They rather comply with the basic human rights which is also the reason for the fast growing popularity of the BDS movement, not only in the Muslim world but also….