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Ref No: 825

Human Reproductive Ecology Project

Human Reproductive Ecology Project


A lot can be learned from the progesterone level of a women since it is very important for ovulation but the origination and regulation mechanisms of progesterone makes it a controversial subject to study. The following study deals with a single experiment performed on three different females to determine the cycle of progesterone release in their body.  For the study purposes, sample bottles were provided to each participant on the first day of their menstruation in order to collect their saliva samples and then repeated samples were taken until the end of the cycle. Once all the samples were collected, they were taken back to laboratory for testing and determination of significant data to conclude the outcomes.  Statistics were revealed and graphs were made to display the progesterone levels of these females on different days of their cycle. After the comparison of results, the factors affecting their hormonal levels were studied and their impacts over other major hormones of body were determined.  The variety of functionally relevant changes occurring in a female’s body due to lowering and rising of progesterone levels were also point out briefly and the suggestions of relevant findings were related to social and routine practices…. Read More