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Modern British Governance

Modern British Governance: Critical Evaluation of the Argument That Britain Has Seen a Move from Government to Governance since the Late 1970s


Britain’s Shift from Government to Governance

According to Steurer (2013), the Britain’s paradigm shift from the government to governance has resulted in modernization and constitutional reform in the ideas and practice of the country. Modern British Governance It has not only developed an association with civic-ness, but has also increased the effectiveness of organizations and policy-making within the country.

Government vs. Governance

Government and governance have been observed as evidently different. Governance involves a number of disciplines such as management, sociology, law, economics and political sciences. It has been difficult to understand what govern really means, governance after many changes has taken its form by a combination of multitudinous forces such as “devolution, Europeanization, globalization, traditional welfare state being pressured and modern political cultures” as described by Meehan (2003, p. 2), Modern British Governance where the provision of services with regards to welfare state in a traditional fashion are not considered authoritative. Governance focuses on a wide range of modern practices.

This incorporates the division or fragmentation of the public power, which is basically sharing the authority among different degrees of regulations; for example, bodies like European Union, state and sub-state governments. Moreover, it encourages that policies must be well-outlined and executed far from the focus of making privatization common in the country when it comes to public services. (Sandström, Crona and Bodin, 2014).

Furthermore, the analysts of the governance heavily rely on partnerships and network in order to create a highly well-executed policy strategy and delivery to the citizens. As stated by Emerson, Nabatchi and Balogh (2012) and Spear, Cornforth and Aiken (2009), Governance basically contrasts the typical and tradition pattern of government, where the authority has the entire power to make decisions. It is against the centralized authority that is exercised in the hierarchy in the country, which is often stated as the command and control model’.

Features of the Britain’s shift from Government to Governance

There has been a drastic change in the UK government due to the paradigm shift in the constitutional reform from government to governance. It has introduced aspects of governance which were never seen in the history of UK government. Due to the change, power in the nation is now less concentrated than before. The core executive of the country has reconstituted itself and therefore, the organs of the country are different now (Durose, 2009).  In the case of Britain, according to the ‘Westminster model’, some of the features of the move from government to governance include “parliamentary sovereignty, accountability through fair elections, majority control over the executive, strong cabinet government, central party dominance, doctrine of ministerial responsibility and non-political civil servants”(Meehan, 2003, p. 5). From the viewpoint of Westminster model, the political system of Britain has been characterized as a government with strong cabinet, accountability and fair elections (Pahl-Wostl, 2009)….