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  1. Introduction 

1.1 Background 

The Meteorological office in United Kingdom presented the sixth report on UK state climate series reporting that 2019 was twelfth warmest years since 1884 (Madge, 2020). 21st century is recorded as most warmest compared to three previous centuries, as stated by The Central England Temperature series. The report also showed that in last decade an average increase of 0.9° C is seen across UK, surpassing the records of 1961 to 1990 average. Though the figures seem insignificant, global warming of few degrees is linked with global and local climate change, increasing the risk of extreme temperature events (Wolff et al., 2020). These climate changes will have severe influence on natural world and human societies. The major contribuot to climate change is waste management causing dumping of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide into atmosphere, leading to gradual increase in temperature (Lackner and Jospe, 2017), Ackerman (2010) states that waste management posit five types of effects on climate change attributed as emission caused by waste reduction and recycling and decrease in use of industrial energy, emission of landfill methane, energy production from waste, energy utilised in transportation of waste, and carbon sequestration stemming from reduced virgin paper demands. This increases the need to taking critical actions to control the inevitable impact of process. In past few decades, the climate change debate has dominated in national and international political agendas and calls for immediate measures and required solutions to the issue such as radically reducing the carbon-carrying gases emission (Lackner and Jospe, 2017).  Yet, climate change issues which emits from the impact of industrialized human activities such as, over exploration of natural resource, are still predominate in our environment and is a major cause of organic and inorganic wastes deposits as litters and debris present in the environment and ecosystem (Korbelyiova et al., 2021). This deteriorating state of our environment caused by improper waste management, has led to a range of research studies, with aim to understand the root cause and determine the actions to be taken as well as  good practices to adopt to effectively manage the waste problem (Roy et al., 2021)….